• Question: How do scientists know how to make a flu vaccine if viruses can be different every year?

    Asked by mollie to Sarah, Panos on 18 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sarah Burl

      Sarah Burl answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      They don’t, that is the problem. There are several strains that they suggest may be the most virulent to expect but theymay not always be right!

    • Photo: Panos Soultanas

      Panos Soultanas answered on 18 Jun 2010:


      Correct. We don’t know this. Every year the world flu epidemics start in NewZeland mainly and once the New Zeland flu samples reach the lab then we develop vaccines for this aprticular strain. But you are right it is not a full-proof process. The flu can change at anytime and become unresponsive to the vaccine.
