• Question: Is all bacteria bad? What are your views?

    Asked by abbysassycat to MarkF, Mark, Michael, Panos, Sarah on 21 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Panos Soultanas

      Panos Soultanas answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Hello Abby,

      certainly not. we all have many good bacteria (especially in our gut) that live with us and help/protect us to be healthy.

    • Photo: Mark Fogg

      Mark Fogg answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Not all bacteria are bad for you, we need them in our gut to help digest our food properly and we can use some species to produce useful things like antibiotics. As for the species that cause horrible disease, I’d happily see them eradicated.

    • Photo: Mark Travis

      Mark Travis answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Some bacteria can definitely be good for you- we have ~100 trillion bacteria in our guts, and this bacteria is very important in helping us digest food.

    • Photo: Michael Loughlin

      Michael Loughlin answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      nope they are all just doing there thing of feeding and reproducing. Sometimes this occurs ona dn in us so we are the food source and that can be harmful either through damge to us from the bacteria or from our immune system trying to clear the bacteria
      at any rate without bacteria no material would ever rot, no grass could be digested and much less CO2 would be fixed out of the air. ( to say nothing of no chocoalte, coffee or insuling for medical use)

    • Photo: Sarah Burl

      Sarah Burl answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      no the bacteria in the gut is essential to our digestion and keeping oursleves helathy. When we take antibiotics this gets rid of a lot of good bacteria as well as bad bacteria and sometimes this leads to another infection, like a yeast infection.
