• Question: Is there an actual way of extracting the proten from a bacteria and using it tokill off bugs such as Anthrax

    Asked by danielm10 to MarkF on 18 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Mark Fogg

      Mark Fogg answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      Yes there is. I spend most of my time extracting proteins from bacteria.
      Any medicine that kills a bacteria is called an antibiotic, that includes chemicals and proteins. There is an antibiotic that kills anthrax, unfortunately, the symptoms of anthrax infection are very much like flu. Only later symptoms indicate you are infected with anthrax. By that time doctors realise it’s not flu, it can be too late for the antibiotics to do any good. If you know for certain you’ve been exposed to Anthrax though, antibiotics given early are effective at killing it.
      It has very recently been shown that bugs secrete proteins, when they encounter another bug species, that help kill off the competition. I don’t known whether there is one that can damage Anthrax. That is very interesting line of research.
