• Question: knowing what you do now about bacteria does it make you think about cleanliness more ?

    Asked by racheld to MarkF on 16 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Mark Fogg

      Mark Fogg answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      It helps me understand about being clean, where Bacteria are likely to be living and whether they are nasty or not, so I’m actually less concerned than I used to be. Knowledge is power! 😉

      I probably wash my hands a little less at home, eat more food past its sell by date and I encourage my 2 year old daughter to go digging in the garden, she’s very happy to do so.
      It’s different at work because I work with large amounts of bacteria in the lab. Even though I wear rubber gloves, I have to wash my hands lots of times; it protects me and stops the bugs escaping.
