• Question: what do you think about people taking drugs?

    Asked by sadie13 to MarkF, Mark, Michael, Panos, Sarah on 16 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sarah Burl

      Sarah Burl answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      I assume you mean ilegal drugs?! I would just say all ilegal activities are wrong as far as the law goes!

    • Photo: Panos Soultanas

      Panos Soultanas answered on 16 Jun 2010:


      I don’t like it particularly as my own brother is an x-heroin/cocaine addict who is still struggling to get himself right. It is a waste of your life as they can be very addictive and take your whole life. You realise this when you know and live with an addict. They are terrible things…

    • Photo: Mark Travis

      Mark Travis answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      People should be extremely careful about taking drugs- so many lives are ruined by them, so my advice is to steer clear! I think often people start taking drugs because of boredom and having nothing to do. So, a good way of keeping people clear of drugs is to invest money in getting facilities to keep kids busy doing things they are interested in.

      People often just concentrate on hard drugs though. Alcohol is a drug that does damage to more people than all the hard drugs- it is just that it is more socially acceptable for people to go binge drinking!

    • Photo: Mark Fogg

      Mark Fogg answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      I do not agree with people taking illegal drugs. But the law is confused, hypocritical and inconsistent, as alcohol and tobacco are legal yet other less harmful substances are not. It’s an area that needs some radical overhauling. I’ve seen a few lives ruined by addiction, two in my own family.

    • Photo: Michael Loughlin

      Michael Loughlin answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      oh tricky

      I think if people break the law they need to be aware of the consequences ..first up
      I think some have no benefit that i can see whatsoever..like heroin…but also tobacco…
      I think the supply is tied up completely with crime…oh this is a tricky question..I like this one…
      I think each person must make their own choice weighing up the risks whether biological, criminal, cost, addition damage to your system, but take responsibility for the outcome

      am i sure the rules are correct at the moment…no
      do i think that people ask scientists for an opinion..are given it, and then they ignore it something is wrong…yes
