• Question: what made you want be a scientist?

    Asked by jaackbrownn to Michael, Sarah, Panos, Mark, MarkF on 14 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by amystevenxxxx, sjthescientist, izziesciencegleek.
    • Photo: Panos Soultanas

      Panos Soultanas answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      When I was a teenager Biochemistry back in the 1980’s Biochemistry was an emerging science and I remember I was readng a newspaper where an important discovery was reported. That article was about the DNA and got me curious and fascinated about the subject. Then I decided that I wanted to do Biochemistry.

    • Photo: Sarah Burl

      Sarah Burl answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      I questioned everything and was fascinated with how the human body worked so I chose Human Biology as an A level and did Anatomy and Biochemistry at University. I still question everything and am fascinated about the human body, it doesn’t matter how many things you learn there is still more to learn, that is what is so great about science!

    • Photo: Michael Loughlin

      Michael Loughlin answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      I love microbiology, and like finding things out. That sounds simplistic but its really at the core of why I became a scientist.
      I like it when pieces fit together and you work something out. Micro-organisms, the more i learn the cooler i think they are in the range of places they grow, to how they interact with humans in disease, to how they benfit us

    • Photo: Mark Travis

      Mark Travis answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      It was simply that I enjoyed science at school more than anything and was good at it. I did A-levels in Biology, Chemistry and Maths, and then did Biochemistry and Genetcs at University, which I also enjoyed. The next logical step was to do a PhD, to see if I liked doing research. I loved it, and have been hooked ever since! I absolutely love the job, no day is ever the same and being at the cutting edge of discovering new things is so rewarding and exciting.

    • Photo: Mark Fogg

      Mark Fogg answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      I was always interested in science of all types from when I was very young. I just want to know how stuff works and science is the best way of finding out the answers.
      The first thing to really grab my attention was learning about evolution from David Attenborough’s TV program ‘Life On Earth’, quickly followed by my first Biology teacher, Dr Pearson. Both were so enthusiastic about the subject of Life, that I was hooked very quickly.
      I wanted to be a scientist, my current job, purely because I wanted to really enjoy what I do as much as possible. I tried working for an insurance company, it paid well, but wasn’t really any fun. I actually enjoy going to work everyday, knowing I’m going to find things out that nobody else has ever known before, and that what I do could help others in the future, possibly by curing a horrible disease.
