• Question: Why are pins and needles painful?

    Asked by evee to MarkF, Mark, Michael, Panos, Sarah on 22 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Mark Fogg

      Mark Fogg answered on 22 Jun 2010:

      I’m assuming you’re meaning the temporary sensation you get after cutting off the circulation in your arm or other body part after lying on it funny, rather than the objects in the sewing box? 😉
      A question I looked up to make sure. 😉
      It’s simply down to the re-awakening of the nerve endings in the effected part of the body following restoration of the blood supply. If it’s not temporary then a trip to a medical doctor is required.

      See here

      Funny you should ask, I woke up with a completely dead arm last night. Weird sensation as it was totally uncontrollable for a minute or two and tingled like crazy.

    • Photo: Sarah Burl

      Sarah Burl answered on 22 Jun 2010:

      Pins and needles can be felt for a variety of reasons but is usually due to a lack of blood circulation and crushed nerves which when released it fires lots of impulses and so can be painful. If you sit on your hand for a long time then take it out you get pins and needles. You can also get this if you have had an accident and it crushes your nerves somewhere and this pins and needles can last longer though.

    • Photo: Michael Loughlin

      Michael Loughlin answered on 22 Jun 2010:

      its down to blood supply being reduced to nerves so they do not work correctly

      good explanation and good question

    • Photo: Panos Soultanas

      Panos Soultanas answered on 22 Jun 2010:

      Hello evee,

      Because the blood flow is restricted in the muscle and starves the muscle from oxygen. Remember the oxygen is carried by the red blood cells to the muscles. When the muscle triesto work it has no sufficient oxygen and lactic acid tends to accumulate momentarily in the muscle causing the pain. When full blood flow is restored the lactic acid goes away and normal oxygen returns allowing the muscle to operate properly.
